Let’s try drawing with a brush and an eraser

Let’s finally draw a picture on the canvas.

Let’s try drawing with a brush.

Launch MediBang Paint and open any canvas.
If you’ve already opened a canvas, let’s start drawing right away.

Brush Tool
Fig. Brush Tool

Pick «Brush Tool» from the image above (1) and try drawing a picture on the canvas using any brush.

You can choose the brush type from the brush window (2).
You can change the brush size with Brush Control (3) and its opacity with (4).
Try changing the values and drawing!

TipsChanging the thickness of the pen and the eraser

Changing the thickness of the pen and the eraser
Fig. Changing the thickness of the pen and the eraser

The pen and the eraser become thicker when you press your finger on the left toolbar (1) and slide it up, and thinner when you slide it down.

Changing the thickness of the pencil and the eraser
Fig. Changing the thickness of the pencil and the eraser

The number of pixels appears when you change the value (2), so you can adjust the thickness while checking how big you want it to be!

Let’s try changing the brush color

It’s not fun to draw only in black. This time, let’s try changing the color of the brush.

Color menu
Fig. Color menu

The brush color can be changed from the hue bar (1) or the color menu (2).
Let’s draw more and more while changing the brush color.

Let’s try using the eraser

This is how to use the eraser when the canvas gets full.

Eraser tool
Fig. Eraser tool

Press the image on the top (1) to display the list and select the eraser tool (2) to be able to use it on the drawing.


Drawing, erasing, drawing, erasing… When you move a lot between the pen and the eraser…

Switching between the pen and the eraser
Fig. Switching between the pen and the eraser

You can easily switch between the pen and the eraser only by tapping the «Switch» icon (the icon in the red frame in the picture above) in the shortcut bar!


When you want to erase everything you’ve drawn and start drawing again…

Layer Clear
Fig. Layer Clear

You can erase the entire picture by tapping the «Layer Clear» button in the red frame in the picture above.
It erases only the contents of the selected layer, so it does not affect other layers.

Layer Clear
Fig. Layer Clear

With this, you have mastered the basic operations of drawing a picture.