Let’s use the layer function

Here, we will explain the unique «layer» function of digital. Layers will allow you to change the color of the line drawing later and change the expression of the face later.

What is a layer?

It is a function that you can draw a picture for each part or step, like overlapping transparent films.

Image of layer
Fig. Image of layer

For example, if you divide «line drawing layer» and «color painting layer» …

You can select 'color painting layer' and erase it with an eraser like a red arrow
Fig. You can select 'color painting layer' and erase it with an eraser like a red arrow

Even if you fail to paint the color, you can erase only the painted part without erasing the line drawing like this.

How to use layers

Layers are manipulated from the menu «Layer» or «Layer window (1)».

Layer window location
Fig. Layer window location

Let’s actually use the layer. Please download the original «sample.mdp» before using the layer and open it.

How to clear the layer

First, clear the «coloring» layer.

Since «sample.mdp» has 4 layers, click the «coloring» layer in the layer window. The «coloring» layer is selected.

When 'coloring' layer is selected
Fig. When 'coloring' layer is selected

Please properly erase the color using an eraser.

If you say «it is too much to erase and it is troublesome to erase with an eraser!», You can clear the whole layer at once.If you press «Layer» -> «Clear» on the menu or «Delete» key on the keyboard, all the contents of the currently selected layer will disappear.

If you erroneously erase a picture of another layer or draw a wrong line, you can use the Undo function to restore it.

Let’s paint the «coloring» layer

If you can delete all «coloring» layers, let’s paint the cat’s image to your favorite color. Even if it protrudes from the line for a while, it can be deleted later, so it’s okay! Please correct until you feel better.

I tried painting the cat with yellow
Fig. I tried painting the cat with yellow

Although it protrudes a lot, it does not affect the line drawing on the top at all.

How to rearrange layers

To rearrange the layers, drag and drop the layer you want to move to the destination.

Before and after the layer movement
Fig. Before and after the layer movement

While dragging & dropping, the destination of the moving layer becomes blue as shown in (1).

As you can see, move the «coloring» layer above the «line (face)» layer.

Kitten whose face disappeared
Fig. Kitten whose face disappeared

The face of the kittens has disappeared (The face data is still left just because it disappeared). Lineworks around the buttocks are also hidden. In this way layers overlap from bottom to top, so in places that are not transparent the lower layer will not be visible.

Please sort the layers several times to see what happens.

TipsUndo can also reorder the layers. Most other operations can be redone with Undo, so if you fail, immediately Undo! Is fine.

How to change opacity

First I explained that the layer is like a transparent film. In MediBangPaint (or in most paint software) you can change the opacity level by layer.

Layer opacity
Fig. Layer opacity

To change the opacity, do it from «Opacity (1)» in «Layer window». When the opacity is 100% it is in completely opaque state, and opacity of 1% is almost transparent.

Please change the opacity of the color paint layer and check the change.

Layer opacity difference
Fig. Layer opacity difference

In this way, the higher the opacity of the layer, the harder it is to see the picture below.

POINTFor example, it may be better to lower the opacity of the draft layer to make it easier to draw a line drawing on another layer.

How to add, delete and duplicate layers

Layers can be added and deleted freely. Adding and deleting layers are done from the button at the bottom of «Layer window».

Layer window button
Fig. Layer window button

(1) Add layer / (2) Delete layer / (3) Duplicate layer.
Deleting / duplicating a layer is the currently selected layer.

Other buttons are OK even if you do not know at this time. Details can be confirmed from here.

TipsLayers can change their names freely.

How to change the layer name
Fig. How to change the layer name

Changing the name on the layer window Clicking the gear icon of «Layer (1)» opens the «Layer Property(2)» dialogue, change the «Name (3)» there and press «OK».

We encourage you to name the layer as much as possible so that you do not have to know when layers increase.

How to switch display / non-display

Layers can also be temporarily hidden. The «tail» layer of sample.mdp is a hidden layer.

Hidden layer
Fig. Hidden layer

To switch between display and non-display, please click the left part of the thumbnail of the layer. «●» is attached to indicate the layer being displayed.

Please set the «tail» layer to display state.

Kitten waving a tail
Fig. Kitten waving a tail

It became a picture waving the tail.

Other useful functions

We will introduce more useful functions in using layers.


The content of the locked layer can not be edited. By locking the layers of «drafts» and «line drawings», you can prevent mistakes that you make a mistake, «I accidentally inking in the draft layer!», «I mistakenly painted the color of the line drawing!» .

Layer lock
Fig. Layer lock

To lock a layer With the layer you want to lock selected, check «Lock (1)» in «Layer window». «Lock icon (2)» is attached to the left side of the thumbnail of the locked layer.

Also, if you try to draw something on the locked layer, the cursor becomes a prohibited mark.

If you say «I do not really understand but it can not be drawn suddenly!» Please also check the layer lock setting.

TipsBesides, in the following cases, the cursor will change to a prohibited mark and you will not be able to write to the layer. Please put it in one corner of the head.

  • When a hidden layer is selected
  • When «Text Layer» is selected
  • When «Layer Folder» is selected
  • When «1 bit layer» is selected while blurring or fingertip brush is selected

How to protect transparency

Layers with transparency protected will not be editable except where the color is attached. This can be used to change the color of the line drawing.

protect transparency
Fig. protect transparency

To protect transparency, check the «Protect Alpha (1)» in the layer window with the layer you want to protect transparency selected. If you attempt to write to a layer with transparency protected, the cursor will change as shown in (2).

Perform as shown in the figure below on how to change the color of the line drawing.

Try changing the color of the line drawing
Fig. Try changing the color of the line drawing

If (1) is the original line drawing layer, if you protect the transparency of that layer and stroke it according to the red arrow with a yellow brush, the part of the line drawing becomes an image like (2).

Let’s change the color of the line drawing of «tail» of «sample.mdp» to red.

How to use the draft layer

The draft layer is a layer that is not displayed when saving to Other than mdp format or when «Rasterize«.

Setting the draft layer
Fig. Setting the draft layer

The setting of the draft layer is done from the dialog of «Layer Property».

First, click the gear icon (1) at the right end of the layer you want to draft layer. The «Layer Property» dialog opens. If you check «Draft layer (2)» in the Layer Attributes dialog and click OK, that layer becomes a draft layer.

The layer that became the draft layer will be marked with «red x mark (3)» on the layer window.

How to «Duplicate» and «Merge»

Layers can be «Duplicate» and «Merge».

Fig. Duplicate

Duplicate and merge layers from the button at the bottom of «Layer window».

Click «Duplicate Layer (1)» to duplicate the active layer and add it as a new layer.

«Merge Layer(2)» will integrate the active layer into the lower layer. Let’s integrate «line (face)» of sample.mdp into «line (other than face)».

About blending

Please see here for layer blending.