Let’s check out some convenient features!

MediBang Paint features a variety of convenient tools.

Let’s use Undo/Redo!

The iPad version of MediBang Paint features two arrows for “Undo” and “Redo” at the bottom left of the screen.

Undo (the left arrow)
undoes your last action and returns the canvas to its previous state.
Redo (the right arrow)
undoes your last Undo, redoing your last action.

The location of Undo and Redo
Figura. The location of Undo and Redo

Undo and Redo are also on the Shortcut Bar at the bottom of the screen.

Undo and Redo on the Shortcut Bar
Figura. Undo and Redo on the Shortcut Bar

There is no limit to the number of times you can Undo; you can go right back to your work’s original state, so long as memory allows.

If the memory for Undo runs out, the oldest Undo information in memory will be lost.

Let’s use Rotate!

MediBang Paint features a variety of ways to flip and rotate. Let’s learn the difference between the them.

First off is “Rotate/Flip whole canvas.”

The screen after opening the Edit Menu
Figura. The screen after opening the Edit Menu

Selecting the area outlined in red in the above image from the Edit Menu allows you to rotate or flip the entire canvas.

The image in its normal state
Figura. The image in its normal state

The image after the entire canvas has been rotated
Figura. The image after the entire canvas has been rotated

Rotating the entire canvas causes all layers to be rotated. Saving now will result in the entire canvas being saved in this state. The same is true for flipping.

The second method is “Rotate/flip canvas display”.

The Display Menu
Figura. The Display Menu

We can select how we’d like to display the canvas from the Display Menu.

The image in its normal state
Figura. The image in its normal state

The image after rotating the canvas display only
Figura. The image after rotating the canvas display only

When rotating the appearance of the canvas only, the state of the layers is not changed.

Even if we save, the canvas will not stay rotated or flipped.


By enabling multi-touch gestures, you can easily perform these rotations with two fingers.

The final method is “Rotate/flip layer”.

To rotate or flip the image on a layer, we use the Transform Tool.

Figura. The

Selecting the Transform Tool allows us to transform the currently selected layer alone. By swiping anywhere outside of the area outlined in red in the below image, we can rotate the layer.

The screen after opening the Transform Tool
Figura. The screen after opening the Transform Tool

When you’re done rotating, tap “Done,” outlined in red in the above image.

To flip the image from left to right, select “Flip image left/right,” then select “Done.”


The Transform Tool also features Scale, Free Transform and Mesh Transform options in addition to Rotate and Flip.

“Scale” changes the size of the image while preserving its ratios. “Free Transform” changes the size of the image while ignoring its ratios. “Mesh Transform” applies a grid pattern to the image, allowing you to resize the image by swiping across the points of intersection on the grid.


The location of Rotate in the Layer Menu
Figura. The location of Rotate in the Layer Menu

To rotate a layer, you can also tap the area outlined in red in the above image to display the menu.

This menu also features “Flip up/down” in addition to “Flip left/right.”

Let’s use guides!

We can use the Guide Menu to create guides for drawing lines for comics or illustrations.

Various guides
Figura. Various guides
(1) Off/dt>

Hides all guides.
(2) Parallel
A guide for drawing parallel lines. The angle of the guides can be changed.
(3) Perpendicular
A guide for creating perpendicular lines.
(4) Vanishing Point
A guide for drawing straight lines towards a vanishing point by drawing two lines and automatically setting the vanishing point according to their extensions.
(5) Focus Lines
A guide for drawing straight lines radiating from a single point.
(6) Concentric Circles
A guide for drawing concentric circles around a single point.
(7) Curved Line
A guide for creating curved lines through points specified by tapping on the screen.
After determining the curve, lines can be drawn by tracing the guide.
(8) Ellipse
Tapping the screen creates construction lines according to which ellipses can be drawn. These ellipses can be transformed by shrinking or enlarging.
(9) Other
Here you can save any guides you have created.

Let’s use the Hand Tool!

The location of the Hand Tool
Figura. The location of the Hand Tool

The Hand Tool icon is located at the bottom left of the screen. The Hand Tool can be used to move the canvas itself. We’ll try moving our work along with the canvas itself.


You can also move the canvas by dragging it with two fingers.

Let’s customize shortcuts!

The Shortcut Bar
Figura. The Shortcut Bar

The iPad version of MediBang Paint features a Shortcut Bar in which we can choose to display our most frequently-used tools.

The Shortcut Bar can be customized both from the Main Menu and from the Shortcut Bar itself.

The location of the shortcut settings on the Main Menu
Figura. The location of the shortcut settings on the Main Menu

The shortcut settings screen
Figura. The shortcut settings screen

Make sure to set up the Shortcut Bar to make MediBang Paint easier for you to use!