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New dialog | MediBang Paint - the free digital painting and manga creation software

New dialog

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New dialog (standard tab)

Standard tab
Figura. Standard tab
Specify the width of the canvas. It can be specified in units of [px] [cm] [inch].
Specify the height of the canvas. It can be specified in units of [px] [cm] [inch].
Paper Size
You can select the paper size from the pulldown. The size selected here will be reflected in the width and height.
Specify the resolution of the image. You can specify from 1 to 2400 dpi.
Background Color
Specify the background color of the canvas. If you want to specify a color, set the pull down to “color specification” and specify the color. The background color of the canvas can be changed at any time by “Display” → “Background Color” of the menu.
Initial Layer
You can select the first layer type at the time of canvas creation.
The history of canvas size made in the past remains.
Delete History
Delete canvas size history.
RGB Profile
Specify the RGB profile to be used with the color management function. For details, refer to “How to use color management settings”.
CMYK Profile
Specify the CMYK profile to be used with the color management function.

New dialog (“Comic Guide” tab)

Comic Guide tab
Figura. Comic Guide tab
Select the standard size of the original from the pulldown.
Manuscript Size
Specify the size of the canvas. In the case of “Do not add a margins outside the bleed line”, the size of “outer frame + paint added * 2” automatically becomes the canvas size.
Specify the resolution of the image. You can specify from 1 to 2400 dpi.
Background Color
Choose the background color from transparent or white.
Finish Line(Bookbinding): Width
Specify the width of the frame of “Comic Guide”
Finish Line(Bookbinding): Height
Specify the height of the frame of “Comic Guide”
Safe Line: Width
Specify the width of the inner frame of “Comic Guide”
Safe Line: Height
Specify the height of the inner frame of “Comic Guide”
Specify the width of the bleed
Frame Width
Specify the default line width of “Panel Material”.
Spread / Cover Page
If you check here, the “Comic Guide” will be made in the spread state, the canvas size will be the same size as it was.
Spine Width
If you check “Spread / Cover Page”, you will be able to specify the spine width. The value specified here is reflected in the canvas size.