Getting to Know MediBang Paint 3

Create/Save/Open a Canvas
(4)Create a new Canvas
(5)Save Canvas
(6)Open a Canvas
(4)Create a new canvas
1Create a new canvas
Go to ‘File’ and select ‘New’
Put values in Width and Height to set image size or choose one from ‘Paper Size’ and then click on ‘OK’.
The image size you set here can be modified later. However, if you change dpi(resolution), the quality of image will get worse so choose the value depending on the purpose of the file.
2New via Clipboard
You can create a canvas from pictures you ‘Copy’ or ‘Cut’.
You can do this by going to ‘File’ and select ‘New via Clipboard’.
3New Cloud Project
By going to ‘File’ and selecting ‘New Cloud Project’, you can create a new Cloud Project.
Once this window is displayed, choose a ‘Team’ to create and put the ‘Title’ then click on ‘OK’. The information entered here can be modified later as well.
A project has been created. 3 pages of blank sheet of canvases have been registered.
Please select a page that you would like to edit and then click on ‘Open’ or you can double-click the page to open it.
If you want to add more pages, please click on ‘Add’.
(5)Save canvas
1Save canvas
When saving a canvas for the first time or saving once again to ‘Overwrite’ on the same canvas, click on ‘File’ – ‘Save’.
When saving as a different name or format, go to Menu and click on ‘File’ – ‘Save As’.
Anything other than overwriting a file, when saving, thiswindow will be displayed.
Put the ‘File name’ and select file format from ‘Save as type’ and then click on ‘Save’ to save.
※File format
In MediBang Paint, the following file formats below are available for use.
File format | Explanation |
MediBang Paint(.mdp) | This is the native file format for ‘MediBang Paint’. The unique functions of ‘MediBang Paint’(Koma material, Item material) and layers can be saved inside the file. |
PNG (.png) | This format is suitable for the WEB. Images with transparent background can be saved. (layers cannot be saved) |
JPEG (.jpg) | This format is suitable for the WEB. You can change compressibility(image quality) which means that file size can be smaller. |
Bitmap (.bmp) | This is the standard format supported by Windows. There is no compression with this format which means that the file size is quite large. However, there is no loss in quality which means that you can save many times without experiencing a decline in image quality. (layers cannot be saved) |
PSD (.psd) | This is the file format provided by photoshop. The recommended format for submit to print shop is PSD, please use this one. (Layers can be saved but the unique functions of ‘MediBang Paint’ cannot be saved so please Rasterize first and then save) |
2Cloud Save
When saving a canvas to Cloud, please go to menu and then click on ‘File’ – ‘Save to Cloud as’.
Now you can use ‘Save to Cloud as’.


透過PNGは背景が透過された状態で、24-bit PNGは白背景の状態で保存されます。
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