MediBangPaint contains a number of convenient tools to help you paint in addition to the layer feature.
Basic canvas screen
Let’s try to remember the configuration of the basic canvas screen.
Fig. The Basic Canvas Screen
(1) Tool Menu
This contains the tools necessary to paint, such as the brush and the eraser.
(2) Sub Tool Bar
This allows you the change or set the details on the tool you selected on the tool menu.
(E.g.) Brush tool…You can set image stabilization and the ruler
(3) Shortcut Bar
This will display the tools you have added to it. It can be edited from “Main Menu” → “Settings” → “Display Shortcuts”.
(4) Main Menu
You will find the save, shortcut settings, and help menu here.
”Color Menu” Explanation, You can display/hide the bar by tapping the arrow in the upper area.
TipsYou can turn a number of settings and displays on or off from the main menu. Customize your experience by adding or removing check marks from each option.
Undo/Redo is a function that helps you when you have made an error.
Fig. Undo/Redo
(1) Undo
This will erase the operation conducted directly before it.
(2) Redo
This will erase an Undo done directly preceding it.
Color menu
This menu is to select the color of your brush.
Fig. The Color Menu
(1) Hue Wheel
Moving the white point within the hue wheel will allow you to set your basic colors.
(2) Brightness/Saturation
Moving up and down alters “brightness (the brightness of the colors)” and moving left and right alters “saturation (the vividness of the colors)”. The higher the brighter, and the further right, the more vivid.
(3) Foreground and Background
Here you can change the foreground (on the upper left) and the background (on the lower right). You will usually be painting on the foreground. The background can be altered with the edge brush.
(4) Translucent Colors
This will make the color of your brush translucent. Tracing a colored portion of your painting will make it disappear, like when you use the eraser.
(5) RGB Settings
This will display the RBG values for the foreground. Altering the values here will also change the colors.
(6) Palette
This will let you choose a color from the pre-selected palette. You can choose from a variety of palettes, such as basic, light, and dark from the detailed menu on the upper right of your palette.
(7) Add Palette
Tapping “+” will add the color you have selected in the foreground.
(8) Delete Palette
This will delete the color you currently have selected in the palette.
You can also create colors using the HSV Bar found on the left side of the canvas screen,
Fig. HSV Bar
(1) Hue
Moving this up or down will allow you to set basic colors.
(2) Saturation
Moving up or down will adjust the saturation. The higher you set it, the more vivid the color.
(3) Brightness
Moving up or down will adjust the brightness. The higher you set it, the darker the result.
(4) Switch HSV/PAL
You can shift to the palette from the hue bar.
Bucket tool
This feature allows you to color the entirety of a selected area, or lined-off area with one touch.
Fig. The Bucket Tool
Selecting the bucket icon will make the following sub-tools appear.
Play with the values to test a variety of options.
(1) Target
You can select what you would like to paint from your canvas or a layer. A selection made by canvas will paint the entirety of the object, within the lines or selected area, on all layers. A selection made by layer will only target the portion on that specific layer.
(2) Expand/Shrink
This will allow you to expand or shrink the selected area by±32 pixels. If anti-aliasing has been selected on a line image, this may result in spaces between the lines and the paint from the bucket tool. You can cover these spaces by using the expand function. Fig. Expand/Shrink
(3) Close Gaps
This allows you to fill in small gaps between lines and the painted area without the risk of it going out of the lines. You can selected levels from 0 (disabled) to 5. Fig. Close Gaps
Movement tool
The movement tool allows you to freely move the image on the layer you currently have selected.
Movement is done by dragging. By adding a check mark to “Select Layer From Tapped Location”, you can move your layers without having to select them beforehand.
Moving them with your finger
On the android version, you can change the display of the canvas with your fingers.
1. Expanding/shrinking your canvas
Use two of your fingers in a pinching in or pinching out movement to expand or shrink the canvas display.
2. Rotate canvas
Adding a check mark to the option found in “Main Menu” → “Settings” → “Rotate Canvas with Fingers”, you will be able to use two fingers to rotate the canvas. Tap with two fingers and turn them the rotate.
Select tools
MediBangPaint has a number of “Select” tools.
Using these, you can select a certain portion of your painting. We will call this portion the selected range.
Designating your selected range and then using the bucket or transform tool, you can paint or transform within the selected range.
Let’s give the variety of selection tools a try!
1 Select Tools
Fig. The Select Tool
The shape of your selected range…There is a Lasso option that allows you to freely create your selected range free-hand, as well as options that give it square, oval, and polygon shapes. When you have selected your range, the portions that are not selected will appear a half-translucent blue.
There are off (normal)/ + (add)/ — (delete) options in the select tool. When “off”, you can select only one range, while you can selected many with “+” is selected. With “-”, you can choose one portion of your selected range and delete just that portion.
Rounded corners…This will allow you to round the corners of squared or polygonal selected ranged. You can choose from 0 (disabled) to 100%. Fig. Rounded Corners
Delete Selection…Tapping this will delete all selected ranges.
2 Automatic Selection Tool
With the automatic selection tool, you can automatically generate a selected range in lined off areas, as well as according to the shape of colored areas.
Fig. The Automatic Select Tool
(1) Object
You can select by either canvas or layer. Selecting canvas will generate selected ranges that apply through all layers, and selecting by layer will generate ranges on only that layer.
(2) Expand
This will shrink or expand the range by ±32 pixels.
(3) Close Gaps.
This will generate a selected range that will cove small gaps as though they are included in a lined off area. You can select levels from 0 (disabled) to 5.
Off (normal)/ + (add)/ — (delete) functions are same as those for the select tool listed above.
(5) Deselect
Tapping this will delete all selected ranges that have been generated.
3 Select Pen Tool
With the “Select Pen Tool”, you can generate selected ranges by hand, as if you are using a pen.
The area you fill in our outline with this feature will become the selected range, making it convenient for when you need to select detailed areas or complicated shapes that are difficult to capture with the shape or automatic options.
Fig. The Select Pen Tool
The selection portion turns red, and when you select a tool other than the brush or eraser, it will be displayed in the same way as a normal selected range.
4 Selection Eraser Tool
This tool allows you to select and delete certain portions from the selected range designated by the methods above in the same way as an eraser.
Fig. The Selection Eraser Tool
You can erase in the same way you would draw lines, making it convenient for making detailed corrections.
The ruler tool
This feature acts a guide for your lines when drawing them with the brush or similar tools.
The ruler will give you straight, accurate lines.
Fig. The Ruler
(1) Off.
This hides the ruler.
(2) Straight.
This will help draw a straight line at the angle of your choice. The angle can be set from “(7) Main Menu” → “Move Snap”.
(3) Cross
This will help you draw vertical and horizontal lines.
(4) Vanishing Point
Drawing two lines will set a vanishing point on them, which will help you draw toward that point.
Lines can be set from “(7) Main Menu” → “Move Snap”. Fig. Vanishing Points
(5) Concentrated Line
This allows you to draw lines toward one central point. This point can be set from “(7) Main Menu” → “Move Snap”.
(6) Oval
This creates lines to help you draw oval shapes. Moving the white pointer will expand, shrink, and alter its shape. By dragging the red, square area above, you can alter the position of the ruler.
(7) Menu
From here, you can save the ruler you are currently using, as well as load or delete rulers. “Change Ruler Position” will allow to alter the angle and center of each ruler.
The gradation tool
This tool allows you to create gradations simply by dragging it onto the canvas.
Fig. The Gradation Tool
(1) Gradation Shape “Line”
This will alter colors depending on the direction you drag it in: up, to the side, or on an angle.
(2) Gradation Shape “Circular”
This will alter colors around the point tapped. See (6)
(3) Gradation Type “Foreground – Background”
This gradation will set the start point of your drag as the foreground, and the final point as the background. See (5)
(4) Gradation Type “Foreground”
This gradation will set the starting point of your drag as the foreground, and the end point ans translucent. See (6)
The fill in tool
This feature allows you to create shapes that are colored in with the selected color by simply tapping and dragging on the canvas.
Fig. The Fill In Tool
(1) Square
This will generate a square. See (6)
(2) Oval
This will generate round objects. See (7)
(3) Polygon
Selecting a starting point by tapping, and then tapping once more for each corner will generate a shape of your own design. For example, tapping three different positions will generate a triangle. See (8)
(4) Opacity
You can set the translucency or your figure from 0 to 100%. See (9)/dd>
(5) RoundCorner
You can set the roundness of the corners of your squares of polygons from 0 to 100%. See (9)
The shape brush tool
This tool will allow you to create figures with a brush.
The brush settings (color, width, etc.) are reflected in the resulting figure.
Fig. The Figure Brush Tool
(1) Straight Line
This will draw a straight line. See (7)
(2) Bent Line.
Tapping a beginning point and then corner points (where you want it to bend), and then selecting “Confirm” will draw a bent line. See (8)
(3) Curved Line
As you did with the bent line, tap a starting point and curve points to generate a curved line. See (9)
(4) Square
This will help you draw square shapes. See (10)
(5) Oval
This will help you draw round shapes. See 11
(6) Polygon
As you did with the bent line, tap a starting point and corner points to create your polygon. See (12)
Eyedropper tool
Using the eyedropper tool allows you to pick any color you want from your image and set that color to your foreground.
Fig. The Eyedropper Tool
You simply tap the color you would like to select.
Canvas operation menu
The follow three menus are for conducting operations for you canvas and editing figures thereon.
1 Edit Menu
The Edit Menu is for altering the conditions of your canvas and the images thereon.
Fig. The Edit Menu
(1) Copy
This allows you to copy a portion of an image designated by the select tool.
(2) Cut
This allows you to cup out a portion of an image designated by the select tool. The cut area will disappear from the canvas.
(3) Paste
This allows you paste the portion of an image designated by cut or copy onto a new layer.
(4) Rotate Canvas Left
This will rotate your canvas 90 degrees to the left.
(5) Rotate Canvas Right
This will rotate your canvas 90 degrees to the right.
(6) Flip Canvas Horizontally
This will flip your canvas horizontally.
(7) Canvas Settings
This allows you to change your canvas size and resolution. (For details, see “Canvas Settings” Tips below)
(8) Crop
This allows you to alter your canvas size to match an area selected by the select tool ,etc.
Canvas Settings…You can use Canvas Settings to do the following.
a. Canvas Size
thereon. Further, by changing the central point by tapping one of nine points, you can expand or shrink the canvas around that point. Fig. Canvas Size
b. Image Size
This allows you to expand or shrink your canvas along with the images on it. Adding a check mark to the Maintain Aspect Ratio option, you can make changes without altering the aspect ration.Fig. Image Size
c. Canvas Background Color
This allows you to set the background color for portions bare portions of the canvas. To designate a color, call up the color palette by tapping the square thumbnail. Fig. Canvas Background Color
d. Comic Template Settings
This allows you to set guiding lines for printing manga. You can hide these by removing the check mark from the “Display Manga Manuscript Guide”. Fig. Comic Template Settings
2 Select Range Menu
Here you can edit the range you have designated.
This is used for altering shapes, or drawing lines within the selected range.
Fig. The Select Range Menu
(1) Select All
This will set the selected region to cover the entirety of the layer you are currently working on.
(2) Deselect
This will remove your selection over a region.
(3) Inverse Selection
This will reverse your selected and unselected regions.
(4) Select Portion
This will select all illustrations at once.
(5) Zoom In/Zoom Out
This will expand or shrink the illustrations within the selected range. This operation is completed by tapping “Confirm” after making the alterations.
(6) Free Transform
This allows you to apply transformations, such as shrinking or expanding your image regardless of aspect ratio, and flattening formations out. By adding a check mark to “Correct Perspective” will make the result more natural. Fig. Free Transform
(7) Mesh Transform
This transformation allows you to distort a portion of the screen. After setting the number of partitions, you can make your transformations by dragging the pointer over cross sections of the mesh. Adding a check mark to “Interlock” for width and height, you can move entire rows with the pointer. Fig. Mesh Transformation
(8) Create Boundary
This will draw lines on the border of the selected region. You can selected between On Border, Internal, External options for the positions of the lines, and can adjust lien width between 1~128px. Fig. Create Boundary
3 Display Menu
This feature allows you to rotate or reverse the appearance of the screen, without altering the image’s actual direction.
Only the appearance of the canvas is altered, while the directions of the layers, etc., remains the same as before.
This is useful for times when it is difficult to draw lines with the way the canvas is facing, etc.
Fig. The Display Menu
(1) Rotate Left
This allows you to rotate the display 10 degrees left every time you tap.
(2) Rotate Right
This allows you to rotate the display 10 degrees right every time you tap.
(3) Flip Horizontally
This will flip the display horizontally.
(4) Reset
This will return the appearance of your display to its previous state.