It’s common for artists!? Mental strain…hard to live with. What is HSP?

Hi everyone!
This is the person inside MediBang, “MediBang No.4”.
A few months ago, I carried out a poll on Twitter.
— 中の人4号@MediBang (@medibangNo4) January 18, 2023
Q. These days I’ve seen so many people mentioning words like “HSP” and “the sensitive”, and it occurred to me that these might be common to artists…?? (as they are to me)
A1. I am a sensitive artist and feel distressed. (29.4%)
A2. I think I might be a sensitive artist. (30.9%)
A3. I am not a sensitive artist at all. (39.7%)
Thank you so much to all of you who took part in my poll!
I have noticed the existence of this word in recent years when many artists were saying things like “the HSP is…” or “the sensitives are…”. And the more I searched for the definition of this word, the less I could resist the feeling that
“this is about me, isn’t it?”.
And to see the result of the survey, the number of artists who recognize themselves as HSP (or feel they might be) is more than half of all… so many…!!
So what I am going to show you today, who might be an artist with HSP, are the following topics.
- The definition of HSP (the sensitive)
- MediBang No.4 must have been HSP
This article is going to be full of my subjectivity!
There will be no technical content saying things like “as this is medically documented…”.
I just want to share this feeling of “am I HSP?”. That’s why I would appreciate it if this article is read by people who can sympathize with me and say “trueee!!”.
The definition of HSP (the sensitive)
In general, HSP refers to the following.
HSP is an acronym for Highly Sensitive Person.
HSP refers to a person who has an extreme sensitivity and a delicate personality. HSPs are said to have a tendency to think emotionally in depth as they have fine and thin innate nerves that make them more sensitive to stimulation than others. HSPs may also overreact to environmental stimuli, such as sounds, smells, or visual information. On the positive side, most HSPs are said to be sensitive and compassionate, with artistic talent and creativity. On the downside, they are vulnerable to stress and are easily exhausted as they are sensitive to stress or strain. |
MediBang No.4 must have been HSP
Next, I will write a long list of my characteristics that make me think that I am HSP.
I was wondering if it was fine to write such naked truths of my own to the public, but I hope this will be read by someone who can kindly sympathize with me.
Although, it is possible that my personality is just caused by my own laziness and has nothing to do with HSP.
1. Others always say I am serious
Even though I have no such intentions to be earnest, people tend to tell me that I am.
Perhaps this is because I see things too squarely. Only the deepest part of my brain could be earnest, I think.
2. I feel stressed when I see or hear someone being blamed
I hate to see or hear someone being shouted at in front of me and it makes me tense.
It is not me who is being shouted at, nonetheless, my brain sympathizes with others by itself and it makes me feel as if I am the one being blamed at the moment (I don’t want to, but I can’t help it).
3. I tend to regret things I have said
Regardless of whether it’s a business or personal situation, I always think things like “I shouldn’t have said that…”.
When I’m on my way home from a day off with someone I’m not used to, I’m usually having the evaluation meeting in my head while I’m sitting on the train.
But most of the things I regret are small and trivial.
4. Thoughts get tangled up in my head
For example, if task A is assigned to me, what always comes to my brain at that time is: “In order to do A, B and C are related and need to be handled at the same time… but doing B is risky… doing C is costly. …” It’s a series of steps. It takes time to think this through because the thinking cannot go straight to task A.
5. I build obstacles around my desk
I have so many things on my desk, my room is full of things too.
I suppose these are the barricades I unconsciously create to avoid other people’s eyes when I am working.
Or it could just be because I am lazy.
6. I unconsciously lower my self-esteem
Because I care too much about other people’s eyes, I hold myself up to a high standard that is suitable for others.
I end up crying, “Why am I so useless!!!”
Still, I think it’s a good side of me that I can respect others boundlessly.
7. I am affected by information about disasters
Listening to earthquake alarms or seeing negative information on TV every day causes me so much stress that I cannot sleep. I try to avoid it, but I’m very sensitive.
8. I’m terrible with strong perfume
I have a very sensitive nose. I can smell even an unscented product.
That’s why I’m terrible with strong perfumes.
But I really like things that I think smell nice and I can’t help but keep buying them (such a stubborn disposition).
9. I’m terrible with horror films
I hate horror films.
In the bathroom before going to bed, I stretch my imagination to infinity, thinking “what if a ghost suddenly appears?” or “maybe the ghost is coming from behind”. These images make me feel uncomfortable.
I think this rich imagination is a useful skill for artists, though.
10. I’m terrible at being talked to from behind
I’m not G**go 13, but I’m not very good at being approached from behind without any signs.
I will be so surprised that my heart will beat very fast. Never stand behind me! Please speak to me from the front.
11. I’m terrible at loud noises
A clock alarm, a car horn, the noise of a construction site, the sound of an explosion or a siren…
I really hate loud noises. My heart would beat as fast as if someone were talking to me from behind (I want to know why I hate them so much).
I’m also afraid of portable gas stoves.
12. I basically can’t tell a lie
If I told a lie, I would feel like I was going to explode from the stress of feeling guilty about having lied. So basically I cannot tell a lie, even if I did, you would know immediately by my suspicious behavior.
13. I eat my favorite food until I get sick of it
I would eat my favorite foods over and over again until I got tired of them. People would ask me why I still eat them, but I can’t help it.
They would be surprised that I eat the same things endlessly.
14. I always smell my favorite perfume
Once I have found the scents I like, I would smell them endlessly.
Since most of my stress would be alleviated by pleasant scents, it is crucial for me to search for a good scent.
I would buy scented products just to smell them myself.
15. I always touch my favorite texture
As with scented products, when I find a product with a good texture, I touch it endlessly.
My favorite textures make me feel at home.
Incidentally, I have slept with my favorite textured stuffed cat on my face for over 10 years.
This is the end of the list of my personality. I would be delighted if you could sympathize with me.
For those with fragile hearts like me
① Don’t take things too seriously!
The last thing I want to say is this. This is also important to me, but even if you have recognised that you are HSP, you should be careful not to be so aware of it that it becomes your stress.
You should take the fact that you are (or might be) HSP as just one of the reasons for your personality of fragile sensitivity or low self-esteem.
② Beware of suspicious services!
If you search for the words HSP or the sensitive, you will find various kinds of seminars, but you should investigate whether such services are credible or not before attending them.
I am not saying that every seminar is bad, but it’s true that some are for business sake and don’t care about your situation. So it is dangerous to attend them without careful consideration.
This is the end of today’s article. How do you like it?
I believe that people with the personalities I have listed above, people who might be HSP, can get a sense of relief from sympathy, as can I.
I hope this article gives you some reassurance that you are not alone.
Finally, I would love for you to tweet about this article, if you find it empathetic!
See you soon.
(Text / MediBang No.4)
ART street:https://medibang.com/author/19306248/
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