This is a must see! 3 brushes to draw HAIR GLOSS in the blink of an eye #How to Apply Color#How to paint hair#how to paint hair#Highlights#Brush#Writer:Amane 2023.07.31
Learn How to Paint Lighting by Drawing a Handsome Villainous Boy! #How to draw a man#Trivia#boy#Handsome#How to create an original character#Highlights#Writer:りーりん#Adding Shadows#Contre-jour#How to Apply Color 2023.04.19
How to draw highlights in paintings #Improve Quality#Digital Beginner#Highlights#Add#For Beginners 2023.02.16
Rivet their attentions! Let’s paint “that emo-shadows on faces”! #Improve Quality#Highlights#Tutorial#Adding Shadows#Contre-jour#Effects#For Beginners 2022.09.08
Creating an Illustration Using the Grisaille Technique –Part 3– #Highlights#Tutorial#Effects#Increase efficiency#Finishing#Adjusting Color#Colorant#Background#Color Illustration#Grisaille 2020.05.18
[How to draw water drops] that can also be used as sweat or tears #How to draw water#Drops of Water#Trivia#Tears#Color Illustration#Highlights#Tutorial#Adding Shadows#Sweat 2020.04.06