(2) Starting ‘MediBang Paint’

Once installation is finished, please start ‘MediBang Paint’
Right after starting it and closing the advertisement window, you will see a login page.
① Login form
You can new log in to ‘MediBang Paint’
If you already have signed up for ‘Medibang’, please enter your Email address and password as registered.
②Sign up form
In order to use ‘MediBang Paint’ cloud features sign up for ‘Medibang’.
Email address and password used when registered will be used when you log into this window.
③Close login window
If you don’t want to log in simply close the log in page. Without it you can still use ‘MediBang Paint’.
If you log in, as shown in the picture above, your username will appear in the window. You can switch users by logging out and then logging in with your account.
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