How to Share

This guide will explain how users can share their work.
Selecting the share icon will allow users to share art saved on their devices.
1The share icon is on the upper right side of the gallery screen.
2After clicking the Share button a detail window will pop up.
①This allows users to select all of the files in MediBang Paint’s gallery.
②Users can select their file format here.
PNG…For web use(layers aren’t saved)
PNG also for web use. Transparent backgrounds can be saved(layers aren’t saved)
※Transparent backgrounds can end up being black when uploaded to social media accounts.
MDP…MediBang Paint’s native file format. Comic panels and layers can be saved in this format.
PSD…Photoshop file format. If you are preparing a document for print. Layers are also saved in this format.
③Help for saving.
④Files can be saved to user’s devices with ‘Save’ or sent to another location using ‘Share’.
Share…Sending files to external locations.
Save…Saving files to your device.
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