FAQ #08 Joining MediBang Premium via Jump Paint

Medibang Paint has implemented the subscription service “Medibang Premium” from September 2021.As a result, some of the cloud functions for MediBang Paint and Jump Paint have been restricted.
The restrictions are as follows.
- A cloud storage capacity of only 3GB.
- A limit to joining only three teams.
- Only 3 previous versions of a file available for restoration.
Even if you exceed the cloud storage of 3GB, your data won’t vanish right away. You can use return the cloud functions to normal by subscribing to MediBang Premium and increasing your storage capacity.
However, sadly you cannot subscribe to MediBang Premium within the Jump Paint app, but you can sign up here on the MediBang website.
As for the brushes and materials only available with MediBang Premium, they unfortunately cannot be accessed within the Jump Paint application.
Please download all premium materials from here if you wish to use them in Jump Paint.
※ Type “Premium offer” to find the materials in question.
For more information regarding MediBang Premium, please click here.
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