Change the color of the outline by protecting Alpha! #Trivia#Protect Alpha#Improve Quality#Tutorial#Layer#For Beginners#Line Drawing 2019.07.26
[For Beginners] Let’s Draw a Rough Sketch (2) What to do in this situation? How to draw a rough sketch for different situations [For smartphones] #How to practice drawing#Improve Quality#Writer:Amane#Sketch#Composition#For Beginners#Trivia#Atari (Approximation) 2021.05.05
Express your character’s emotions with tones! #For Beginners#Trivia#8bit Layer#Tone#Half-toned Layer#Joy, Anger, Sadness and Fun 2021.02.05
Even if you are not good at drawing, you can draw! Let’s draw yuru-chara and yuru-illustration! #Tutorial#How to draw mascot characters#Writer:mozukuni#For Beginners#Trivia#How to create an original character#Color Illustration#How to draw a mini character 2021.03.08
[For Beginner] Let’s Use a Gradient To Paint The Skin #Improve Quality#Gradation#Adding Shadows#How to Apply Color#Trivia#How to paint skin 2021.07.07
【Beginners】Specificity is the key! Tips to creating an appealing original character! #How to create an original character#How to practice drawing#Tutorial#Writer:はらなおこ#For Beginners#Trivia 2021.10.11