Change the color of the outline by protecting Alpha! #Improve Quality#Tutorial#Layer#For Beginners#Line Drawing#Trivia#Protect Alpha 2019.07.26
How to Put Multiple Layers in the Layer Folder at Once #Layer#Layer Folder#Control Layers#Increase efficiency#For Beginners 2020.02.12
【Easy Steps 123!】Save time from cleaning excess paint? What is “Protect Alpha”? #Protect Alpha#Digital Beginner#Writer:はらなおこ#Layer#Increase efficiency#For Beginners#How to Apply Color#Trivia 2021.11.21
“Protect the Alpha” and change the outline color! #For Beginners#Line Drawing#Trivia#Protect Alpha#Color Selector#Improve Quality#Tutorial#Layer 2022.08.08
How to use 1bit and 8bit Layers #1bit Layer#8bit Layer#Digital Beginner#Edge Pen#Layer#Increase efficiency#Super basic functions#Trivia 2020.06.22