Blur the background with Gaussian Blur to make the people stand out! #Gaussian Blur#Color Illustration#Improve Quality#Retouch#For Beginners#Trivia#Background 2020.08.28
Adjust saturation to make your illustrations look better! 2 ways to create stunning art #Adjusting Color#Trivia#For Social Media#Writer:ももんが#Overlay#Improve Quality#Layer Blending#Retouch#Ambience#Effects#Saturation#Finishing 2023.05.17
Make your character stand out by blurring backgrounds with Gaussian Blur! #Retouch#For Beginners#Trivia#Background#Gaussian Blur#Color Illustration#Improve Quality 2023.01.19
Edit a photograph to have a dodgy atmosphere #Tutorial#Retouch#Retouch Photos#Chromatic Aberration#Hue/Saturation/Brightness#Tone Curve#Filter 2019.09.04
Use layer blending to easily create a sparkle effect! #Effects#For Beginners#Sparkle#Tutorial#Layer Blending#Retouch 2019.09.02
Use the Gaussian Blur! #Trivia#Gaussian Blur#Color Illustration#Improve Quality#Tutorial#Retouch 2020.08.26