Use the Gaussian Blur!

I’m going to show you how the “Gaussian Blur” works in the making of this one!
What is “Gaussian Blur”?
Simply put, it blurs the content on the layer.
Working Process
(1) Line drawing
This time, I’m going to paint a line drawing with a slightly lighter brush density in the making.
(2) Gaussian Blur
Blur the line drawing. You’ve created a pale impression, like you’ve rubbed a pencil with your finger.
(3) Primer coating.
Apply the base layer. By applying the color over the top with a multiplication layer, the color blends in without dulling the blurred areas, giving it a fluffy look.
(4) Shadow Painting.
Paint a shadow layer on top. Apply a “Gaussian Blur” to the shadow layer as well for a softer look.
(5) Finishing and completion
The last step is to finish it off and paint the same color all over to give the color a consistent look.
Add some highlights and you’re done!
By using “Gaussian Blur”, the picture has become light and fluffy impression in the illustration.
In addition, there are various ways to use the “Gaussian Blur”, such as by using it in the background or foreground to give a sense of perspective.
There are various other ways to use the Gauss Blur effect, such as using it in the background or foreground.
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