How to convert layers to Halftone in MediBang Paint iOS #8bit Layer#Color Illustration#Tone#Half-toned Layer 2016.09.08
How to use 1bit and 8bit Layers #Increase efficiency#Super basic functions#Trivia#1bit Layer#8bit Layer#Digital Beginner#Edge Pen#Layer 2020.06.22
Express your character’s emotions with tones! #Joy, Anger, Sadness and Fun#For Beginners#Trivia#8bit Layer#Tone#Half-toned Layer 2021.02.05
How to convert layers to Halftone in MediBang Paint Android #Tone#Half-toned Layer#8bit Layer#Color Illustration 2016.09.08
How to Use Halftone Layers in MediBang Paint iPhone #8bit Layer#Tone#Half-toned Layer#Super basic functions 2016.08.30
Easily change the color of your line art with 8bit layers #Trivia#8bit Layer#Color Illustration#Improve Quality#Convert Layer#For Beginners#Line Drawing 2019.12.23