Cute! How to draw a watercolor style loose character

I’m going to show you the making of a watercolor style loose character!
Draw an outline
First, draw the outline of the character.
If it’s difficult to start drawing immediately, it’s easier to make a clean line if you do a rough rough sketch.
In this case, I made the outline of the character looser because it is watercolor style.
The trick is not to draw the lines too tightly.
This time, I used a mechanical pencil (B) for the outline.
It is not included by default, so you need to download it from “Add Brush”.
It also makes the lines look looser if you make them stronger or weaker, or if you make them break up in places instead of just one line.
If the outline is too assertive, change the color of the outline to a brown or light color instead of black to make it all the kinder.
Applying a primer
Once the outline was drawn, I painted the entire picture.
I used “Moko Moko Watercolor 3” brush.
This brush is also available for download.
At first, use a lighter color and a larger brush size.
The trick is not to paint too evenly, but to paint roughly.
It’s best to leave a small amount of white on either side of the brush with the light source in mind.
After you finish painting, erase the overflowing part, but since this is a watercolor style painting, you can leave some of the overflowing part to make it look more like a watercolor.
Make a thin shadow
If a primer is painted, the next is the work of putting a thin shadow.
I use a color a little darker than the color which I used for the base, and I put a shadow on about two thirds.
The brush is using “Moko Moko watercolor 3” in the same way.
It is recommended to paint a shadow rather than a solid shadow, because it is more like watercolor.
Again, don’t do it evenly, but be aware of the speckles.
Make a dark shadow
The last step is to add a darker shadow than before.
Put a shadow on the opposite side of the light direction you were aware of at first.
In this case, draw a line slowly and strongly, not quickly, to get a firmer feeling.
Darker shadows have less presence, so keep the application area to no more than one-third of the total area.
Clipping the layer to the base and light shadows makes it easier to apply the layer because it doesn’t protrude from the outline.
However, in the case of watercolour style, it’s best not to use clipping as you’re painting the original colour in speckles and you won’t be able to add shadows to the top.
That was the making of a watercolor style loose character!
It looks like it’s a bit daunting at first glance, but it’s easy to use certain brushes to make it look like a loose watercolor style…
I hope you can use this article to draw a little illustration in a watercolor style.
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