MediBang News Vol.10 We took a survey on the way painters hold their pens!

I wonder if there is any way to improve my drawing skills without practicing too much…
( ゚д゚)!?
What if I change the way I hold my pen?
I might become able to draw like great painters????
This is your MediBang staff No.4 from the MediBang Paint Development team.
Well, the project I prepared this time is
“Taking a survey on Twitter Vol.3”!
The theme for the project is
\ Everyone’s way of holding a pen while drawing //
※アンケートに該当がない方は引用RTかリプで自分の持ち方を教えてもらえるとうれしいです! pic.twitter.com/k9nYpe7I88— 中の人4号@MediBang (@medibangNo4) January 24, 2022

I guess most of you are interested in how other painters hold pens while drawing but rarely have a chance to observe it.
This survey is based on interests like that!
As a result, we had …
54,332 votes!
It’s the biggest number we have ever had!
We thank all of you who voted!!
For those who want to see the result of other survey we conducted before,
I attached the link for the articles we published before.
Please take a look!
▶︎Survey on everyone’s drawing posture!
▶︎Survey on everyone’s working environment!
Well, then
Let me announce the result of our survey!
I hope this survey will help
those who want to rethink their ways of holding a pen!
The result of the survey.
1st place | ②You support a pen with index finger and middle finger while holding it. | 19724 votes |
2nd place | ①You hold a pen in a basic and aesthetic way. | 15884 votes |
3rd place | ④You hold a pen loosely. | 10575 votes |
4th place | ③You grip a pen and it looks like Doraemon’s round hand. | 4810 votes |
5th place | ⑥You hold it like an assassin. | 2198 votes |
6th place | ⑤You hold a pen between index finger and middle finger and it looks like mantis’s hand. | 1155 votes |
The 1st place is
②You support a pen with index finger and middle finger while holding it. 19724 votes.

It was an overwhelming victory…
By the way,
this is exactly the same way how Ms. Oda, an illustrator and a designer in MediBang who I admire, holds a pen while drawing.
According to her
This is like “a double edged sword” because it’s really easy to hold a pen like this but it hurts her fingers at the same time.
I thought I’d be able to draw wonderful illustrations if I imitated her
but the reality is not so sweet….
Please take care if any of you hurts fingers like she does.
I heard that it is good to use finger supporters.
The 2nd place is
①You hold a pen in a basic and aesthetic way. 15884 votes.

the 3rd place is
④You hold a pen loosely. 10575 votes.
The 4th place is
③You grip a pen and it looks like Doraemon’s round hand. 4810 votes.
Surprisingly, there were more people who voted for
“④You hold a pen loosely” than I expected.
Let’s see the result of
⑤You hold a pen between index finger and middle finger and it looks like mantis’s hand.
⑥You hold it like an assassin.
I knew people who hold a pen like this do exist but had no idea how many.
⑤You hold a pen between index finger and middle finger and it looks like mantis’s hand.

6th place. 1155 votes.
It was the least common one but there were
more people who voted for this than I expected.
I, your MediBang staff No.4 tried this style.
It’s easier than I thought to hold a pen like this.
I’m so surprised.
But I feel it’s for writing letters rather than drawing illustrations.
Please try it if you are interested. ✨
⑥You hold it like an assassin.

5th place. 2198 votes.
It exceeded my expectations again!
This is the reaction from a user who hold a pen like an assassin.
— 桜大福(前くま六) (@matsunobrothers) January 24, 2022
So, you are fully prepared as an assassin.
Maybe, you can walk alone at night and nothing can harm you.
Actually, there are people who use this style practically when they sketch.
I’d like to introduce ways of holding a pen
that were not on the list of our survey!?
ネイルも剥がれてるしペンも近くにないしのアレな写真ですけどギュッと握りしめるこんな感じです pic.twitter.com/uexTkwzJqO
— みー (@gomachii11) January 25, 2022
描くものによって使い分けている…事に今気づきました。 pic.twitter.com/97ug8Mx8SF— サイキ小春☀️? (@cohaluK) January 24, 2022
この中だと二番が近いのでしょうか?自分はこう持ってます pic.twitter.com/vqjUrZlF3S
— ノミト・ソン@突入部隊ラミカ作成中 (@nomitomami2) January 24, 2022
でも意外と安定してるので描きやすかったりします???? pic.twitter.com/oVzC5FlmdI— ちい (@TVuB9ckA4ipCtOT) January 25, 2022
これ以外で文字が書けません pic.twitter.com/USsd7N9rAC— 暮灘@リィン垢 (@NierKurenada) January 25, 2022
これが手首を軸にして描くから長時間は無理だけど筆圧も調整しやすい pic.twitter.com/xpreJZOCko— 無言様 (@XNA6j8AESqrQtSB) January 26, 2022
なのでいつも小指がいっったいです! pic.twitter.com/1sPS5Pnyc8— しの兎 なな (@nnas_U) January 24, 2022
耳かきで失礼します。小指がフリーターしてます。 pic.twitter.com/JUhWOVzxAT
— ちかはネタバレしない。 (@1aki2natu0101) January 24, 2022
自分は結構意味わからんくらい親指が迷子になりますね pic.twitter.com/DzwexMBZLj
— しゅるまる? (@syurua_mash1230) January 25, 2022
文字は右をもう少し握り込んだスタイルで、中指のペンだこ痛いです pic.twitter.com/LmROypohmh— アリス (@ariceland) January 25, 2022
小指に自我が芽生える② https://t.co/dLNIK1dE3D pic.twitter.com/b3RAKeEFTq
— 8割がた田中 (@2warihasuzuki) January 25, 2022
親指関節死に型 https://t.co/PXziyilR8P pic.twitter.com/yQzWH3gRBa
— いずっぽん(チャンピオンタイム (@izp_on) January 25, 2022
リプ欄引rtザッと見でいなさそうなので失礼します。小指以外の指先で支えて親指で挟みます。ベーシックに矯正しようと試みるも集中するとこれに戻ってしまいます… https://t.co/3c46wU8Qz5 pic.twitter.com/w6IJW65no1
— 街与 (@matiiiyo) January 25, 2022
左写真8割 右写真2割
どれにも当てはまってない………? https://t.co/2BYWiy8hD2 pic.twitter.com/ZeWOHN227z— 鈴-RIN (@Rinpygmalion) January 24, 2022
昔々塑像やってた時から多分これだったので、もう直せんな… https://t.co/IdhVfdfj8T pic.twitter.com/g6GKOQbiEd— さき?スタオケ強化月間 (@ohana_2001) January 24, 2022
That’s all!
Did you enjoy it?
✨There might be the one for you that makes you draw better ✨
from the ways of holding a pen that everyone introduced us to.
I hope you will use this opportunity to try many ways of holding a pen.
There are more reactions from other painters
that we didn’t introduce in our article.
So, please check replies and quote-retweets if you’d like to.。
See you next time! ?
▼Next MediBang News will be published on
Mid March〜Late March, 2022
Past MediBang News Letter
▶︎MediBang News Vol.9 Staff inside MediBang will introduce themselves by using the Self-Introduction template!
▶︎MediBang News Vol.8 Research on the drawing environments of artists!
▶︎MediBang News Vol.7 Research on the drawing posture!
▶︎MediBang News Vol.6 The secret to staying motivated…!
▶︎MediBang News Vol.5 Inside MediBang Premium 4-Koma Manga
▶︎MediBang News Vol.4 Featuring apps that motivate you to draw!
▶︎MediBang News Vol.3 Top 10 Recommended Working BGM on YouTube!
▶︎MediBang News Vol.2 ART street Posts Sharing Techinques!
▶︎MediBang News Vol.1 Introducing MediBang Development Team Members
\ We are accepting requests for articles on how to use /