[For beginners] How to draw girls’ bodies attractively!
With video

Those who are still in their early days of starting drawing illustrations might feel, when drawing girls’ bodies, that “the body doesn’t look feminine” or “It is not attractive…”, or they might feel “why are others able to draw them so well” when they see drawings by others on social media.
The structure of a woman’s body is different from that of a man’s. Therefore, when you draw illustrations of girls, it is essential to draw them with a deep understanding of the difference in body structure between men and women. Today we will learn how to draw girls’ bodies attractively. Try this method, as it only takes a little effort to make your work more attractive.
Three things to remember when drawing women’s bodies!
Firstly, let me explain three points that you need to remember when drawing women’s bodies.
- Understand the difference between male and female
- Getting the proportions of the head and body right
- Pay attention to curved lines
Understand the difference between male and female
It is important to recognize that there are many differences between the male and female body. In particular, the following are the main areas where there are differences.
- Neck width
- Shoulder width
- Presence or absence of breasts
- Waist narrowness
- Hip size
The way men and women draw the whole body is also different, as men and women have different muscle tones. In particular, when drawing men, the muscular areas are drawn larger, while when drawing women, the whole body is drawn more rounded.
Getting the proportions of the head and body right
When drawing a girl’s body, make sure the head and body are balanced. To balance the head and body, it is recommended to arrange the head size vertically in a number according to the proportion you want to draw, and halve them from the head to the waist and from the waist to the feet.
The body of a woman is generally drawn with the ratio of head and body to 1:5 to 1:6, but you can draw a lovely figure with the following ratio depending on the body shape.
- If you want to draw a model-like style → 1:7-1:8.
- If you want to add a little childishness → 1:4.
- If you want to draw an infant → 1:2
Select the body proportion that is closest to the image of the illustration you want to draw.
Pay attention to curved lines
When drawing standing people, be aware of curved lines and be careful not to draw them like stick people. Humans have few straight lines on their bodies and their bodies are mostly made up of curved lines. It is especially important to focus on drawing the curves of joints and muscles.
You need to pay extra attention when drawing women. In particular, drawing shoulders, arms, waist, hips and legs with curved lines will allow you to portray a rich feminine attractiveness. I will explain how to draw curved lines in detail.
[Explain with illustrations] Round out the arms and thighs!
Look at this illustration first.
Do you think it looks unnatural?
こThis illustration gives a strange impression because the arms and legs are drawn in straight lines. Also, the joints of the arms and knees do not plump up, and the thighs and arms are drawn with straight lines, making the illustration look like stick people.
To get rid of this unnatural look, we need to round it off by adding curved lines. Arms and thighs can be surprisingly attractive with curved lines!
Let’s learn how.
How to round out the thighs
Let’s start with the thighs. In the original picture, the character is wearing socks, but since it’s difficult to understand the method with the socks on, I’ll explain it without the socks for now.
As I told you before in the previous paragraph, “pay attention to curved lines”, the human body is made up of curved lines, and the legs are also made up of curved lines. In particular, the lines of the legs are firm and thin at the base, then they plump up, and become thinner as the lines get closer to the knees.
The lines below the knees are the same. They get thicker near the calves and thinner towards the ankles.
Draw lines with a slight curve, as in the following image, to create an illustration of legs with a natural, sensuous taste.
In general, when wearing socks, the thighs or calves are tightened by the socks. Therefore, the lines where the socks tighten can be made thinner to create a more natural line.
How to round out the arms
Next, let’s look at the arms. Let’s start with the left arm, which is straight outstretched. Do not draw the arm in a straight line, no matter how much they are extending their arm. It is important to be aware of the curves of the arms as well as the legs.
The arms taper from the shoulders to the elbows, becoming thickest just below the elbows and then tapering off towards the wrists. These gentle curves make them look more like human arms.
Next is the right arm. When drawing an illustration of a bent arm, look at how the flesh changes. If the arm is bent forward, as in the illustration below, it looks more natural if the line indicated by the red arrows is drawn to bulge as if the flesh is riding on top.
The crease in the flesh, indicated by the blue line, is an important element that can show the softness of the arm. In the illustration below, the forearms are in front, so draw a gentle S-shaped curve on the side of the forearm. If you can give the impression that the flesh of the forearm is soft and moist, this will increase its attractiveness.
How do you like it? Both arms have become more attractive with a simple effort.
Things to consider
Let me finish the tutorial by telling you a few things to remember. Although you can make the arms and thighs more sensual by making the lines more curved, it’s obvious that too much flesh will make the character look fat. So be careful, I recommend that you start by drawing the lines with a modest curve and gradually increase the thickness.
Of course, there are some people who like characters that have no sensual feel. with thin arms and legs, and you may feel like drawing that kind of character. But even if you draw characters with slender limbs, you would do well to draw them with slight curves to make them attractive. I hope you will adjust the angle of the line according to your preference and taste.
Today, we have learnt how to draw attractive girls’ bodies.
Things to remember when drawing an attractive female body are the following.
- Understand the difference between male and female
- Getting the proportions of the head and body right
- Pay attention to curved lines of the limbs
I know these are difficult to practice at first, but I hope you will try them by observing your own arms and legs with mirrors, etc. If you feel that your own body is not useful as a reference, it is effective to look at photo books. I hope you will use this method to draw cute girls.
Watch the video clip to see the process
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(Illustration / あかね)
ART street:https://medibang.com/u/AkaneMB/
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