Edit a photograph to have a dodgy atmosphere #Chromatic Aberration#Hue/Saturation/Brightness#Tone Curve#Filter#Tutorial#Retouch#Retouch Photos 2019.09.04
Use layer blending to easily create a sparkle effect! #Sparkle#Tutorial#Layer Blending#Retouch#Effects#For Beginners 2019.09.02
Use Correction to draw beautiful lines! #Improve Quality#Tutorial#Correction#For Beginners#Line Drawing#Trivia 2019.08.01
Change the color of the outline by protecting Alpha! #Improve Quality#Tutorial#Layer#For Beginners#Line Drawing#Trivia#Protect Alpha 2019.07.26
[iPhone] How to Use Mesh Transform #Mesh Transformation#Increase efficiency#Super basic functions#Transform 2017.04.21
[iPhone] How to Use Materials (Tiles, Tones, and Items) #Item#Cloud Materials#Tiles#Tone#Material#Super basic functions 2017.04.06
How to convert layers to Halftone in MediBang Paint iOS #8bit Layer#Color Illustration#Tone#Half-toned Layer 2016.09.08
Coloring with Watercolor Edge 2 #Trivia#Transparent Color#Analogue Style#Color Illustration#Improve Quality#Eraser#Watercolor Border 2016.06.22