Origami to understand!? Easy rhombus hooded hoodie pose

This time I’ll show you how to draw a pose wearing a hoodie!
There are many people who use hoodies as everyday clothes.
I’d like to draw it in my illustrations, but I’m not sure about the hood…
For those of you who want to draw hoodies, but aren’t sure about the hood, here’s an easy way to do it!
Please take a look at this collection of poses for various types of hoodies.
1. Let’s remember the origami cranes
Have you ever folded paper cranes as a child?
In fact, there are similarities in the way clothing hoods work.
If you’ve forgotten how to fold it, we’ve prepared a diagram for you.
① Fold in a dotted line.
② Fold again with dotted line
③ Open it so that one side of the front is a circle.
④ Fold the edges together.
⑤ Do the same for the back side, then fold both sides in line with the middle fold line and make a crease.
⑥ Make a crease on the upper part of the piece according to the fold line at ⑤, and open it.
⑦ Open the front sheet from the bottom to the top.
⑧ Fold the back side in the same way.
As a crane, it is in the middle of the process, but I will use this state ⑧ as a reference.
It’s a little too long, so imagine it squeezed into a shape similar to a rhombus.
Compare this to the various states of the hood.
The bottom figure is a little more complicated, but when the hood is fully down, it is pushed up from below by the roundness of the shoulders.
When the hood is fully down, it is pushed up from below by the roundness of the shoulders, so the shape is a little more distorted than a rhombus.
The softer the material of the hood, the stronger this tendency will be.
2. Open a new canvas
Does this help you visualize the image?
Now let’s actually draw the hood.
First, you need to prepare a new canvas.
On the home screen, select “New Canvas”.
A balloon will appear, and press “Create New” at the top.
Set the width and height, and press “Done”.
For the background color, you can set it to “Transparent” for versatility.
When a new canvas is opened, use a pencil or other tool to start drawing.
*All images are from the iPad version.
3. Let’s draw a hood
First, let’s draw a posed figure.
This time, I tried to make it look a little slanted.
First, look at the diagram.
A hooded look…
Draw a rhombus shape so that it follows the face perfectly.
Since it’s made of cloth, the sharp edges should be rounded and the lines should be adjusted to wrap around the head.
Folding up the hood…
Draw a rhombus shape with a slight curve along the shoulder.
Round off the sharp lines and add wrinkles to the fabric.
4. Various poses of the hoodie
Now that you know how to draw a hood, let’s take a look at some poses of people wearing hoodies.
The hoodie may have a casual image, but it can be applied to a surprising number of characters by changing the pose!
I’ll show you how to draw them with diagrams.
☆ A little cocky
If you want to express a suspicious or cocky atmosphere, try this.
This is a hooded figure with his hands in his pockets.
Draw a slightly upturned figure with shoulders hunched, arms attached, and elbows straight out.
The tips of the hands can be gooey or turned slightly inward.
The clothes are pulled downward by the arms.
Drawing lots of vertical wrinkles is a good idea!
Finally, attach the hood and you’re done.
Posing with your hands in the pockets of a hoodie is common, so it’s a good idea to practice it on a regular basis.
☆Sporty, energetic, and cute
This is probably the most appropriate way to draw Parker.
If you want to create a casual atmosphere, a dynamic pose with large arms and legs is perfect.
This time I tried a pose with both arms and legs spread out.
A larger hoodie can be used to express a cuter look.
The length of the sleeves is made to be quite dowdy, so that the palms of the hands are half hidden.
Draw a line away from the line of the body.
If you make the sides of the sleeves bulge out and draw the shoulder joints down like in furisode, you can create a modern and Korean atmosphere.
☆Sexy type
Now let’s try drawing a slightly more stylish and fashionable pose.
Even a hoodie can be drawn in a cool way if you get the point.
Draw the body a little more realistically and crisply.
Now draw the clothes as tightly as you can.
The wrinkles should be fine, and should be placed mostly at the joints.
Shorten the body length and sleeve length to make the arms and legs look longer.
I didn’t make the hood flap because I wanted to express the tension of the material, which would give it a luxurious feel.
You can also draw a diamond shape in this case!
You can make it front-facing and open in the front with a zipper.
You can make as many poses as you like by referring to models in magazines.
5. Other ways to draw clothes from origami cranes
How did you like it?
Once you learn how to draw hoodies with hoods, you will be able to draw them from any angle.
This method can also be applied to dresses and wind jackets, so please give it a try!
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