Is your face unbalanced? Get to the point and master the art of drawing faces!

When you look at an illustration, isn’t the face the first thing you see?
I can’t help but feel unbalanced, and the more I fix it, the more unbalanced it gets.
I don’t know what to do about it.
In this article, I’m going to introduce some of the most common mistakes that beginners make, broken down into the following categories.
If you get into the habit of drawing with the points in mind, you’ll be able to achieve balance naturally.
Now, let’s go over the points one by one.
1 : Head and hair volume
First, draw the head instead of the hair to capture the shape of the head properly.
If you draw a round shape and then add cheeks and chin, it will be easier to balance.
Make the distance from the top of the head to the head of the eyes and from the head of the eyes to the chin about the same.
Draw the volume of the hair a little larger than that.
2: Position the cheek bulge
The cheekbones are just below the eyes, so the puffiness will be a bit higher.
I recommend to draw from the lower lashes of the eyes to make them fuller.
3 : The position of the eye parts and the size of the left and right eye
Location of the eyes
The best balance is about an equilateral triangle when the center of the eyes and the center of the mouth are connected.
Width and height of the left and right eyes
As a composition, the width of the back side of the eye (the right eye in this illustration) becomes smaller, but
The height of the left and right eyes are not aligned with the direction of the left and right eye pupils.
Orientation of the eyes
Can you see that the right eye is facing sideways, but the left eye is facing forward?
To try it out, cover one eye of the picture with your hand to make it easier to see.
Match the direction.
4: Hair growth and hair flow
It’s visually disjointed and uncluttered.
Try to keep the flow of your hair in mind.
The flow of your hair will change depending on the hairstyle and bangs you want to draw.
Divide your hair into several sections and draw them as if they were attached to your head. This will create a natural flow and make it look neat and clean.
5 : Position of nose, mouth and chin
The center of the nose, mouth and chin are on the center line of the face.
In this illustration, it faces right, so the center is closer to the right.
I’ve captured the image in three dimensions and placed it in the center.
It’s easier to understand it in profile.
Keep this in mind as you draw.
That’s all.
When drawing, it’s important to capture a three-dimensional image and to be aware of what you can’t see.
It’s difficult to imagine what you can’t see, so it’s important to draw it well in the drafting stage.
By adding a little extra work to your work, you can improve your drawings even further, so please take a look at the following tips and tricks.
( text and pictures / es )
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