[For beginners] A simple way to paint your eyes [Basic]

In this article, I will show you a simple way to paint the eyes.
Before painting the eyes, you need to prepare a line drawing.
If the line drawing is neatly closed, it will be easier to paint later.
① Paint the base coat
We will apply the base coat.
The areas to be painted are the eyelashes, the whites of the eyes, the iris, and the pupil.
Next, since we want to paint the eyelashes, the whites of the eyes, the iris, and the pupil in separate layers, we will add four layers below the line drawing.
Basically, the line drawing should be at the top.
It is convenient to name the layers after adding them so that they are easy to see.
From the bottom, add the whites of the eyes, iris, pupil, and eyelashes in that order.
Once you have added a layer, paint the whites of the eyes on the bottom layer you just added (the whites of the eyes layer if you named the layer).
Paint it white with a slight grayish tint.
The Bucket Tool is useful for this.
Select the bucket Tool with the pen around the area you want to paint, then tap the area you want to paint to paint it solid.
If there is any leftover paint, paint it with the pen.
The whites of the eyes are now painted.
Once it is painted, paint the iris part on the layer above the white eye layer.
Use a color close to the black of the eye color you want to paint.
In this case, I wanted brown eyes, so I painted them brownish black.
The next step is to paint the pupil.
We will paint the pupil in black on the pupil layer.
Next is the eyelashes.
I selected a layer and painted them in black.
The primer is now complete.
② Paint the shadow of the white eye
The next step is to paint the shadow of the white eye.
Add a new layer on top of the layer where you painted the white eye, and clipping.
Clipping is recommended because it will not extend beyond the clipped layer.
Paint the upper part of the whites of the eyes with a darker gray than the color you painted the whites.
③ Drawing the light
The next step is to draw the light reflected in the eyes.
First, we will paint the light reflected in the lower part of the eye.
Add a new layer on top of the layer where you painted the iris.
Add a new layer on top of the iris layer, clipping it as before to prevent it from overflowing.
Next, change the layer setting from Normal to Hard Light.
When Hard Light, bright colors are rendered brighter when layered.
Draw a light on the lower half of the pupil with the color of the eye you imagined.
I’ve set the layer settings from normal to hard light, so the color will look quite different from the color I’ve chosen.
You can try adjusting the brightness and saturation up or down until you get a color that is close to what you imagined.
In this case, I wanted to create light brown eyes, so I used a light brown color.
We will add more light.
Add another new layer on top of the layer where you just drew the light.
After clipping, change the layer setting from Normal to Hard Light.
I added more light with brighter colors.
The next step is to draw the reflected light on the upper part of the eye.
I think it’s best to use a slightly different color for the reflected light to give the eyes a deeper and more beautiful look.
In this case, I used a reddish color to add the reflected light.
Add a layer for clipping.
Make the layer Hard Light.
Add the light in a round shape.
We will use the darkest color in the light to make it not too bright.
Next, blur the inside of the light by using the Blur pen tool to blend it in.
Once the reflected light has been painted, the next step is to draw the brightest highlight.
Add a layer on top of the line drawing.
Draw the highlights in white.
You can place the highlights anywhere you like.
In this case, we will add a little on the upper right and lower left.
④ Add redness to the lashes
Once the light is drawn, add redness to the eyelashes to make the eyes blend with the skin.
Add a layer on top of the eyelashes.
Use the Airbrush to add redness to the edge of the lashes.
When the edge of the lashes are painted red, you are done.
This completes the beginner’s guide to painting eyes.
This is not to say that the painting method in this article is absolute.
I hope this helps you to find the right way to paint your eyes.
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