【Eye Level】Drawing Multiple 3D Objects Naturally【Perspective】

You will often draw cubes in rough outlines or practice when you are drawing backgrounds.
Here are some points to keep in mind when drawing natural multiple cubes in one-point perspective.
【Irregular 3-Dimensional Shapes】
Do be careful when drawing cubes, or else the whole illustration may look unnatural.
The perspective of each cube in the illustration above is correct, but the overall impression is unnatural.
The reason for the unnatural appearance is that the eye level of each cube is not correct.
◯ What is Eye Level
The eye level is basically the height of the eye, so there is only one eye level per illustration.
You should use only one eye level, especially if you want to portray a natural perspective.
The eye level (EL) and the vanishing point are on the same line.
To create a natural-looking cube, focus on one eye level and align the vanishing point of all the cubes with the eye level.
【3D Shapes with a Natural Look】
Now the shapes on the right look more natural than the original illustration on the left, as if the cubes exist in the same space.
To conclude, the eye level is a useful criterion for drawing.
Please use this to improve your drawings.
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