How to use MediBang tones – basic methods for illustration

In this article, we will learn the cardinal methods of adding tones from materials.
Adding Tones
In this time, we will add tones to the clothes of this character illustration.
Add a New Layer
Below the line drawing layer, add a new layer for adding tones.
Select the Range
Specify the area where you want to add tones by Select Tools.
Use “MagicWand Tool” for large areas and “SelectPen Tool” or “SelectEraser Tool” for narrow areas.
Select the Tone
Open the materials window from the icon , and select a tone.
Add the Tone
Drag and drop the tone you’ve selected on the canvas.
Choose the angle or size of the tone and press the “OK” button. Now adding tones have been completed.
Not only the tones available in the material window from the start, you can download additional tones from MediBang Cloud materials.
(You need to log in to use Cloud materials)
Open the material window and press the button .
The list window of Cloud materials appears so you can click materials you want to use.
Then the preview window opens and you will select “Paste to Canvas” or “Stock to My List”.
If you select “Paste to Canvas”, selected tones will be added on the canvas immediately.
If “Stock to My List” was selected, selected materials will be added on the bottom of the list of the material window.
If you want to use selected materials just for once, you would do well to choose “Paste to Canvas”, and choose “Stock to My List” to the materials you want to use multiple times.
▼ In order to learn more about materials, refer to the article below
[PC] How to Use Materials (Tiles, Tones and Items)
Scrape Off Tones・Erase Tones
Tones in digital paintings can be scraped or erased just like tones in analog paintings.
You need to erase or scrape off where tones are sticking out, where tones are not needed, or where you want to add highlights.
In this article, I will show you two ways of scraping tones.
Method 1: Eraser Tool
Tones can be scraped off by Eraser Tool.
Method 2: “Transparent Color” of Brushes
You can scrape tones off with the brush settings if you select “transparent color” brush.
▼ Learn more about scraping tones by “transparent color”
Highlighting Hair in MediBang Paint
Want to Overlap Multiple Tones?
Tones can also be stacked if necessary.
You can add multiple tones on a single layer.
However, you must be aware of the risk of “moiré effect”.
▼ Read “4. Grayscale and monochrome mode” of the article below and learn more about moiré effect
Manga Tutorial for Beginners 07 Considerations when setting up the canvas.
Use Halftone Layers
Not only by pasting materials, you can add tones by using “halftone layers”.
Halftone allows you to add tone color gradients and easily change tone types.
▼ For more details about “halftones”
Easy way to create halftones (net dots) in manga creation
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