Settings for Comic Guidelines

Figuring out what comic guidelines mean what in MediBang Paint can seem intimidating at first, but actually is pretty straightforward. First, let’s go over the basic terms that cover the four sections of this tutorial.
1. Outer Frame (Binding Size) aka Panel Border
2. Inner Frame aka Page Gutter
3. Touch-up (Comic Bleed)
4. Spine Width (Wraparound Cover)
1. Outer Frame (Binding Size) aka Panel Border
The outer frame serves as a reference for the size when your manuscript is printed.
2. Inner Frame aka Page Gutter
The inner frame acts as a guideline for readability, ensuring that important information like character dialogue fits properly on the page.
Making sure all the page elements are comfortably located within the inner frame will ensure and enhance the overall readability of your comic.
3. Touch-up (Comic Bleed)
When printing and binding your manuscript, it’s generally recommended to make the original artwork slightly larger than the finished page size to prevent any unwanted extra white space due to misaligned trimming.
This extra area beyond the final size is known as the comic bleed and ensures that the final product appears seamless after the pages are all trimmed for printing.
4. Spine Width (Wraparound Cover)
Checking “Wraparound Cover” enables you to set the spine width. This option is associated with the design that wraps around the spine and extends onto the back cover, known as “Wraparound Cover.”
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