[Monochrome Illustration] Let’s add tones! #How to draw an illustration#Cross-hatching#Cloud Materials#Gradation#Tone#Brush Name:Pencil (Rough)#Writer:りーりん#Pencil (Rough)#Pattern Tone 2023.04.06
Manga Tutorial for Beginners Vol.15: Add tones #How to draw a Manga#Semitone#Stencil Layer#Tone#Half-toned Layer#Writer:ГФ#Manga Tutorials for Beginners#Pattern Tone 2023.03.22
【For beginners】For those of you who wish to begin manga creation! The effective way of using tones 〜Clothes edition〜 #Half-toned Layer#Writer:はらなおこ#Adding Shadows#Drawing clothes#Pattern Tone#How to draw a Manga#Tone 2022.12.08
How to draw skin tones for your manga characters #Material#How to paint skin#Pattern Tone#How to draw a Manga#Semitone#Cloud Materials#Tone#Writer:はらなおこ#Adding Shadows#For Beginners 2022.11.24
How to use MediBang tones – basic methods for illustration #8bit Layer#Tone#Half-toned Layer#For Beginners#Material#Trivia#Pattern Tone#How to draw a Manga#Monochrome illustration 2022.11.10
Manga Tutorial for Beginners 07 Considerations when setting up the canvas. #Tutorial#Writer:ГФ#Artist Struggles#Manga Tutorials for Beginners#Trivia#How to draw a Manga#Tone#Binding Margin 2021.11.06
[For Beginner] How to Use Materials on MediBang Paint #Create Logo#Increase efficiency#For Beginners#Material#Improve Quality#Tiles#Textures#Digital Beginner#Tone#Writer:はらなおこ 2021.06.25
Express your character’s emotions with tones! #8bit Layer#Tone#Half-toned Layer#Joy, Anger, Sadness and Fun#For Beginners#Trivia 2021.02.05
How to paste the textured material #Improve Quality#Tiles#Textures#Tone#Layer Blending#For Beginners#Material 2020.11.26
[PC] Using Materials (Tiles, Tones and Items) #Item#Cloud Materials#Tiles#Tone#Material#Super basic functions 2016.12.20