How to use the clipping mask function to change the line art color #Color Illustration#Clipping#Layer#Increase efficiency#For Beginners#Line Drawing#Trivia 2019.10.23
Try using the split brush to draw characters of different head lengths #Improve Quality#Brush Technique#Brush Name:Segment#Improving drawing skills#For Beginners#How to draw bodies 2019.10.11
Let’s master the bucket tool! How to avoid gaps and bleeding #Digital Beginner#Bucket#Expand#Close Gaps#Increase efficiency#For Beginners#Improve Quality 2019.09.24
Edit a photograph to have a dodgy atmosphere #Tutorial#Retouch#Retouch Photos#Chromatic Aberration#Hue/Saturation/Brightness#Tone Curve#Filter 2019.09.04
Use layer blending to easily create a sparkle effect! #Retouch#Effects#For Beginners#Sparkle#Tutorial#Layer Blending 2019.09.02
Draw a yukata using a traditional Japanese pattern filter! #Japanese Print#Improve Quality#Filter#Tutorial#Retouch#For Beginners#Yukata 2019.08.26
Color hair with the watercolor brush! #Trivia#How to draw hair#Brush#Brush Technique#Brush Name:Watercolor#Tutorial 2019.08.09
Use Correction to draw beautiful lines! #Trivia#Improve Quality#Tutorial#Correction#For Beginners#Line Drawing 2019.08.01
Change the color of the outline by protecting Alpha! #Trivia#Protect Alpha#Improve Quality#Tutorial#Layer#For Beginners#Line Drawing 2019.07.26