Use your own brushes to draw illustrations!

In this post, I’m going to make my own brushes and use them to draw an illustration!
The four types of brushes I will be using in this article are the pen-in brush, fill brush, texture brush, and spatter brush that I created.
Pencil brush
Fill Brush
Texture Brush
Spattering Brush
Here is a quick guide on how to create a brush (PC version).
MediBang Paint recommends a canvas size of 512px or smaller when creating a brush,
so here I made it a 500px square.
First, draw the shape of the brush on the canvas.
I’ll use a fill brush for clarity.
The next step is to register the brush.
You can add a brush from the icons at the bottom of the brush window.
In this example, we will use “Add from Canvas (Bitmap)” to add a brush.
The next step is to set up the brush.
I put a check in the Opacity by Pressure, and lowered the MIn Width and Brush Spacing values.
That basically ends the brush settings explanation, because the other three brushes are created in the same way.
The following URL explains in more detail how to make brushes in MediBang Paint, so if you want to try painting with your own brushes, please check it out!
“How to Make Your Own Brushes”
Let’s start drawing an illustration with the brushes you’ve made!
First of all, please take a look at the completed illustration.
I’ll show you which brush I used for each part!
First, the line drawing.
Here, I used a brush with a slightly rough line.
Next is the fill brush.
I like to use an eyedropper to get the colors mixed up as I draw, so I’ll use the fill brush with the pressure opacity turned ON to do most of the color filling.
Next is the texture brush.
I use it to bring out the rough texture of the corset.
Finally, the spattering brush is used to paint the small dots in the background and the foreground around the character.
Creating little brushes for texture brushes, backgrounds, etc. will help you paint more smoothly.
It is efficient to create brushes each time when you feel the necessity.
Please research on what art style you like to express by studying line drawings and paint brushes!
(Text and pictures by shigehiro)
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