How to draw an illustration of a girl wearing scarf

During the winter, we start layering various clothes to protect ourselves from the cold.
Gloves, a beanie, a coat… and of course the classic, a scarf ! There are many cute patterns and designs these days.
In this tutorial, I will introduce the tips to drawing a girl wearing a scarf, by showing all the steps of illustration.
Rough Sketch
I will start with a rough sketch.
Make sure to pay attention to drawing the outfit and the scarf with a round silhouette.
By covering the jawline with the scarf, you can portray the warmth even more.
Line Drawing
Next is the line drawing.
Make sure to draw with round, soft lines.
Special tip !
For characters with long hair, make the hair around the scarf a little puffy !
Just this detail will make the illustration much cuter !!
A fun fact: apparently, this fluffy part of the hair is sometimes called “Enpera” (squid fins).
This is because the puffy hair around the scarf looks similar to the triangular part of squids !
Come to think of it…
Let’s paint the colors.
I will draw in the design of the scarf as well.
Pay attention to creating three-dimensionality of the scarf. (it doesn’t matter if it looks a little distorted)
I chose a checkered pattern since it’s easy to achieve the three-dimensional look.
I will then start shading.
I chose warm shades such as dark orange and reddish purple to illustrate the warmth.
Drawing a very clear shade will make the illustration look cold so I paid attention to drawing soft shades.
I will now add highlights.
Similarly to the shades, use a warm color and paint with a soft touch.
Finally, adjust the colors of the line drawing and paint the details…
Then draw a background and add effects such as white breaths… and now it’s complete !
Yay ! It looks very warm !!
There are various ways to tie a scarf.
I recommend looking them up on fashion magazines and websites too.
The below image introduces the common ones.
How was this tutorial ?
Let’s try drawing scarfs, an item perfect for winter illustrations.
The general tip is to draw with round lines !
I hope you found this tutorial useful !
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