Let’s Draw Manga For Beginners (2) – Rough Sketch, Panel Division, Dialogue【iPad】

4. Rough Sketch
Next, I will be drawing a rough sketch.
1 Create a new layer and tap the icon on the right, to turn on the “Draft Layer” option.
※When you set the layer to “Draft Layer”, an icon will appear and it will not affect the other layers when you are working on area of selection etc.
2 Use your name as the base and start drawing the rough sketch using the Brush Tool .
3 Final rough sketch
※The above sketch has been drawn using MediBang Paint Pro.
5. Panel Division
After drawing the rough sketch, I will be creating panels.
1 Create a new layer for panels and from top right of the toolbar, tap on to use the Divide Tool.
2 A window for “New Panel Material” will pop up so I will now change the settings for Panel Stroke Width.
3 Tap on “Done” and the panel material has now been added to the canvas.
4 Now, let’s divide the panel material into multiple panels.
From the toolbar, choose the Divide Tool once again.
5 Once you have decided on where you want to add the panels, drag the division line from one side of the screen to another, properly.
※Be careful with where you finish dragging the line since you will not be able to divide the panel unless the beginning and the end point must cut through the frame of the panel.
6 Finish dividing the panel
6. Speech Bubbles
I will now add the speech bubbles.
1 Start off by creating a new layer for speech bubbles and select the Brush Tool from the toolbar.
※Make sure the layer for speech bubbles is at the top of all layers.
2 Draw the frame for speech bubbles.
※The above has been drawn using MediBang Paint Pro.
3 Double tap on the Bucket Tool from the toolbar and open the Bucket Tool Menu.
4 Tap on to open the Color Menu and set your Color to white. Then set your Target to “Canvas”. Now tap the inside of the speech bubble frame.
5 Finish creating the speech bubbles
※The above has been drawn using MediBang Paint Pro.
7. Add the dialogues
Once you are done making the speech bubbles, let’s add the dialogues.
1 From the toolbar, select the Text Tool .
Then tap on where you want to add the dialogue.
2 You will see that it creates a new layer. A pop-up window with “Add Text” will appear so enter the text for your dialogue.
Tap on “Done” when you are finished typing in the text.
Now tap the gear icon displayed at the top of the text.
Then the Text Tool Menu should appear. You can change the font style and size of the text to your liking and tap on Done when you are satisfied with the settings.
3 Now that you are done changing the text itself, let’s adjust its position.
You can move the text box using Move Tool from the toolbar.
※You can also re-edit the text by tapping on each text box using the Text Tool .
4 Complete the dialogue
※The above has been drawn using MediBang Paint Pro.
※When you have created multiple text layers (for the dialogue), tap on Add Layer icon and choose “Folder”.
Organizing the dialogue layers into one folder makes it easier for you to see your list of layers.
Tap on each layer and drag them inside the folder to move all the text layers inside the dialogue folder.
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