MediBang Pro



Level Up Your Art


Creating Comics

MediBang Pro wants to make your life as a comic artist as easy as possible, and here’s the best place to get a firm grasp on the basics tools of making sequential art in the app.

Manuscript Settings

Tap the + symbol in the top right of the MediBang Pro Gallery to show the New Canvas Menu, and then select Printing Size.

Printing Canvas Sizes

If you are an artist who draws with the intent to print your comic work, have no fear, MediBang Pro’s presets are here. Tap the Printing Size option on the drop down list, and this screen will pop up.

Here’s a quick visual guide to the different paper sizes available for manuscript making in MediBang Pro.

Creating Panels

After selecting an A4 canvas from the presets, the canvas looks something like this.

Now, we have all these unfamiliar blue guide lines on the screen, but what exactly do they mean? It’s pretty simple, trust us.

Here’s a quick guide to the basics of the different lines.

Inner Border: The area of the canvas where you draw. All dialogue and character work should be within this frame.

Trim Border: Anything inside this border will be printed and displayed when the work is finished. It indicates the final size of the page.

Bleed: This is the line that indicates how far to extend what should be printed to the edge of the manuscript page. This is in order to avoid awkward white margins.

Editing Manuscript Guides

First, head to the canvas settings in the Options Menu.

Tap Print Manuscript Settings to edit.

Toggle Printing Guide to hide or show the guide.

To make editing easy, you can select preset trim sizes from our dropdown menu, or edit the borders and bleed by the centimeter/pixel/inch.

You can even switch to having a double spread if you decide one page isn’t enough for your current canvas, as seen below.